Root Canal Therapy is a procedure to remove the infected pulp from the inside of the tooth. The Root Canal treatment eliminates the bacteria from an infected root canal. It is done to save the natural tooth and prevent any reinfection. First, the inflamed pulp is removed. Next, the tooth inside is sterilized, cleaned, filled, and closed. RCT cleans the root canal, fills and seals the space, and afterward, the dentist places a crown to protect the tooth. It is vital to address the root canal as soon as the symptoms arise because as the infection spreads, it can cause serious health issues beyond your mouth. Therefore, it is crucial to inform your dentist about the following symptoms. Symptoms Severe Pain Certain types of pain may signify root canal pain. A spontaneous pain that feels like a wave likely means that you have an infected tooth that may need a root canal. Again there are certain positions in which the gums or tooth hurt worse than when you lay down or bend down. T...
Imperial Smiles Dental and Implant Clinic offer you world class dental Implant treatment. We are ranked as one of the best dental clinic in Gurgaon, Haryana. We provide RCT, dental implant, Teeth Whitening, Crown Bridge Treatment, Wisdom tooth Extraction, Laser Dentistry and many more treatments.